Quantum Therapy and healing remove any blockages that hinder the intrinsic ability of the physical, mental, and emotional body to heal, recharge, and reprogram itself.

We will work together at the cellular and DNA memory level towards increasing your vibrational energy frequency gaining the ultimate health and well-being state, at all levels of your existence.

Various and individually tailored channeled techniques transmuting and reprogramming genetic frequencies are being used to liberate you from generational and karmic patterns keeping you within a maze of repetitive non-beneficial thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.

When a mental or emotional imbalance caused by unconscious ancestral or karmic blockages has manifested into pain, illness, or emotional and physical discomfort, it is your body’s and soul’s message to you that something has to change.

If you are stressed, confused, feeling anxious, or feeling imprisoned by repetitive thoughts and behaviors, quantum healing targets the course of your suffering and brings relief and balance back to your body, mind, and spirit.

Quantum Therapy & Healing can give you an energy and immunity boost and enhance your connection with the Higher Self and the Source.

…you can get quantum therapy & healing!

We can meet in person or remotely. Distance is not a hindrance for you to raise your frequency and initiate conscious integration of new activated patterns beneficial to your further journey and evolution.

EVERYTHING IS ENERGY and energy frequency has no time or space limit at the quantum level!

When you book a DISTANT Quantum Therapy session, we will arrange a video call or a phone call, after your preference.



Any physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual condition on any stage of unbalance :

Exhaustion, anxiety, depression, fatigue.

Energetic imbalance, blockages, implants, and outgrown DNA codes.

Mental and emotional distress & patterns that no longer work for you.

Ancestral and/or karmic issues that you are aware of or not yet.

Feeling unfocused, unmotivated, emotionally exhausted.

Being stuck in a situation without seeing a solution or incapable of making a decision.

Repetitive non-beneficial thought and behavioral patterns.

Any issues you intuitively know need to be resolved, healed, and upgraded.

And much more!

The main purpose of Quantum Therapy & Healing is to restore the DNA & the body’s inherent ability to heal and reprogram itself. At all levels. And continue doing so on your own!

Reclaiming your Sovereignty!


Apart from the more obvious transformational effects, quantum healing also works deeply at the cellular and DNA level on what you need most for your health and your ultimate physical, mental, and spiritual well-being:

Healing wounds of your inner child (requires multiple sessions) 

Regenerations and rejuvenation of the cells

Removal of preconceived beliefs

Energetic purification of your organs

Transmutation of negative Cellular Memory cascade

Retrieval of any lost soul-energy

Revitalisation of glands, pineal, thymus, sexual and pancreas

Energy blockages transmutation

Relaxation of your nervous system

Strengthening of your immune system

DNA upgrade to the highest levels of your potential

When you book a DISTANT QUANTUM THERAPY & HEALING session, I will call you at the chosen time on your preferred channels of communication.

If you wish to know more about your session and what you can expect, give me a call or send me a message.

We will begin with a discovery interview to clarify what you want/need from the session. 

We ( my galactic team and I ) will do a full energy scan and diagnosis to determine your energy blocks, genealogical and karmic limiting codings, or other disturbances that need to be transmuted or removed, those, which you need to become consciously aware of and ready to release.

If you choose a session that includes Channeling, I will connect with my galactic team, and high-level, multidimensional guides. They will answer your questions and guide you towards accomplishing what is in your best interest during this lifetime.

You will be shown multiple possibilities for your near and more distant future, to make the best choices and adjustments accordingly. We will also transmute or neutralise the parts of your Akash (if beneficial) so that you will no longer be affected by negative and disruptive cellular memories, burdened whether by karmic or ancestral charge, at all levels of your existence.

You will receive applicable guidance concerning what is in your best interest at the moment in time.

During the session, I will ask you to relax and pay attention to your body while quieting your mind.

Depending on what you need, specific techniques will be applied. The high-frequency energy will be transmuting and removing energy blockages at all levels, including genetics; restoring and energising your emotional, mental, and physical balance. I will be guiding you all the way so you will know what is happening within your body.

We will receive messages and instructions on how to continue integrating your healing.

In addition, you will also receive further guidance on how to promote and maintain your physical, emotional, or spiritual healing on a day-to-day basis.

How many sessions you need depends on how long you have had your imbalances. One session, for example, is sufficient to remove blockages that have been made conscious, balance your energies and chakras, and raise your frequency to stimulate your self-healing.


The transformative healing continues to work on you for up to 48 hours. You will consciously experience transformations as a result of releasing major blockages in your energy field. The many benefits you will not consciously see & feel are also taking place.

The day after the healing session you may feel energised, peaceful, and have less pain. You might also feel temporarily tired and emotional or experience healing crises. You might start reacting differently to situations and triggers.

These are all signs of the purification process and detoxification as well as the reprogramming of your emotional/mental/physical system.

You might want to take it easy the day after the healing session.

Drink more water than usual.

You can also choose to write down the sensations and changes in your usual ways of thinking and doing in your journal if you are on a conscious self-development journey.

Pay attention to your dreams at this time as your extrasensory perception will be enhanced.

Duration: 90 minutes

90-minute session consists of a discovery interview, high-level guides channeling, and energy transmission with chosen energy healing modalities at a genetic level according to your needs.

I will channel personal messages and guidance for you from high-level guides.

In addition, you will also receive further step-by-step guidance on how to promote and maintain your physical, emotional, or spiritual healing on a day-to-day basis.

Performed remotely or in person.

Quantum Healing Session with Channeling 90 min

Price: 155 €

For different payment options do not hesitate to contact me.

Duration: 60 minutes

60-minute session consists of a discovery interview to decode the cause of your issue and energy transmission with chosen quantum healing modalities that serve best your healing and purpose.

You will receive guidance and tools on how to promote and maintain your physical, emotional, or spiritual healing on a day-to-day basis.

Performed in person or remotely.

Quantum Healing Session – 60 Minutes Price: 111€

For different payment options, do not hesitate to contact me.