Merkabah Activation


Activation of your Merkabah / Light Body allows you to take finally complete charge of your physical, mental, and emotional realities.

With your Merkabah activated, you can disintegrate and reprogram what is not in your highest good and what limits your true potential and healing.

You liberate yourself once and for all from out-grown beliefs and habits, and energetic, mental, and emotional blockages.

Your intuitive abilities rise to the maximum and you can tap into the cosmic knowledge bank & your Akashic records.

You can reprogram your cellular memories with a new charge bringing you towards the life you dream of.

Merkabah activation will

Accelerate your individual development 

Facilitate connection with multidimensional YOU

Increase your extrasensory perceptions

Eliminate no longer useful programs and insert new

Strengthen your immune system 

Harmonise your system at the cellular level 

Update your DNA at new frequencies 

Defragment your memories and insert new commands

Emma’s experience with MerKaBah Activation

“While I was in the process of activating my Merkabah, I felt this incredible new surge of energy, bringing along peace and joy and connection with the whole Universe. I have experienced the same sensations only after long meditations and only for short passing moments. After the training of Merkaba activation, this sensation increased and I was able to sense it almost immediately and after a month of practising Merkabah activation, I had the same sensation throughout the day even without activating my Merkaba.

My life has changed since then, not only do I feel happier, purposeful and trusting the flow instead of pushing things forward as I used to, I am also having deep insights and my intuition has never been so strong. I have made some realisations that brought me o another professional path. Instead of being uncomfortable with the change, I am excited and optimistic for the future!

Moreover, some of my health issues disappeared almost unnoticeable and I have made time for yoga and every day which makes me feel so good and toned!”
– Emma


Are you an energy therapist, or healing arts professional or are you in the process of becoming one?

Do you want to be able to use Light Body /MerKaBah in your therapeutic practice?

If you are or planning to become or already work with therapeutic energy system, activating your MerKaBa will enable you to do profound guidance and therapeutic healing on others.

You can use your MerKaBa on its own or you can combine it with other healing modalities. In-person or remotely.


The Mer-Ka-Bah or Merkaba was perceived, since Egyptian times and even previous civilizations, as a sacred vehicle inscribed in our Bodies of Light for all eternity, just waiting to be reactivated.    

The MerKaBah can be seen as a counter-rotating geometric field of light (ultra-high energy frequency & light charged with information) that connects and transits the spirit/soul and the body from one dimension to another.

It is much more than that: MerKaBah is the creation pattern itself through which all that exists originated. It can create reality as well as move us through realities.

You know this, your DNA has this practice encoded and you will remember it again when the time is right for you. It might be now.

MerKaBah can give us expanded awareness of who we are, connect us with a higher level of consciousness, and restore the memory of the infinite possibilities of our being.

Using Merkaba at high levels is itself a spiritual experience that in the past required many years, sometimes lifetimes of preparation. 

Light Body

The term MerKaBah means a “Chariot of Light”, intended to move us through the dimensions. Also called a “Body of Light” or a “Light Body”, it allows each soul to merge with its Divine part. Those of us who can see energies, perceive the activated Merkabah as a blinding light (therefore the term of Light Body), expanding to hundreds of meters…or more. In the esoteric tradition, only initiates could travel through time and space thanks to this activated vehicle.  

Frequency change

Since the early 2000s, as humans raised their vibrational frequencies to higher levels (we and we are continuing to do so), the Merkabah activation process was simplified and made more accessible to anyone whose consciousness is aligned with it. As a result, we can now use the Merkabah/Light Body activation in a much simpler way.


The MERKABAH ACTIVATION training takes place in a private online group. We will meet there shortly every day for support, and questions and to make sure that your vibrational frequency is not rising too fast (except weekends) for 3-4 weeks. You will receive a detailed Merkaba activation manual & videos and daily guidance.


I will guide you through, step by step, and make sure that you have all your questions answered by group chats or private messages. You can also schedule a call with me.


You will activate each level of Merkabah twice to ensure that your body is well-adapted to the rising vibrational frequencies. You can expect to use a minimum of 30-40 minutes per day for your activations. There are different levels of Merkabah and the goal during the first week is to gradually increase the levels until the highest level possible today.


Before the activation starts, I will check at what level of Merkabah you can begin the activation. This level is determined by the evolution of your vibrational frequency capacity.


In the following weeks of the Merkabah Activation training, you will be activating your Merkabah and increasing the levels with the use of therapeutic properties. You will become able to:

Balance and purify the subtle energy bodies 

Align your higher & inner self to the physical body

Allow the reception of solar and crystalline particles through the skin

Connect you to the central Crystal of the Earth

Remove any non beneficial ideas and beliefs

Heal the wounds of your inner child

Balance your Yin/Yang polarities

Remove negative energies, entities and parasites

Cleanse emotional memories at the cellular level

Heal ancestral lineage and karma

Neutralise non beneficial memories and karmic charges

Regenerate your emotional body

Neutralise your negative, family and karmic ties

Repair your hemato-encephalic barriers

Allow the recovery of certain missing parts of subtle bodies

Neutralise secondary effects of vaccines

You will be supported in the numerous activations of your Merkabah in order to use profoundly all its therapeutic properties. 


Combining the energy of the MerKaBah with other healing modalities to treat others remotely or in person.

Purify your living space effectively with the Merkabah (and another energy system).

Take profound care of your energy and the energy of others. 

Focus the energy of your Merkaba on one or more of your weak organs to regenerate them. 

Use the MerKaBah to purify your family karma.     

Regain your energetic integrity. 

Merge with your divine part.


You will learn and practice, with my daily support, the techniques for releasing deep blockages, whether for yourself or to benefit others.

You will receive the MerKaBah activation system manual and videos as well as additional materials explaining thoroughly step by step the activation process and the therapeutic properties of each level of activation.

A day before the training starts, you will receive an energy healing where your energy frequency elevates and any blockages, entities, or parasites that could hinder your MerKaBa activation will be removed.

We will connect shortly in a private group each day (except the weekends) for 3-4 weeks, where I will check on how you are progressing and answer all your and the group members’ questions.

You will be activating different levels of your MerKaBa each day, approximately 30-40 minutes per day of quiet & focused time.

At the end of the training, when you have reached the highest level possible on the Earth today, we will merge our MerKaBa’hs collectively for a powerful individual & collective development boost.

You will also have the possibility to join a community of practitioners for sharing and learning further on your journey of the liberation of your Being.


The participants of this training will receive a preparatory collective treatment.


Friday, September 20, 2024 at 21.00 CET


Three to four weeks (at your own pace). There is no time limit should you need to take a break, you can always come back to where you stopped.


Manual in English or French.


Zoom calls.



During the training, we will be almost daily in contact (in writing) on the group platform. I will answer your personal questions as well via WhatsApp or Messenger.

After the training is finished, you can still message me your questions and I will answer as soon as available. You will gain confidence in your practice of Merkaba Activation.


Elodie’s experience with MerKaBah

So happy Emilie to continue this amazing path with you ! I’ve been meditating every day since our first meeting and activating and programing my Merkabah everyday and i can really feel the change inside and around me, mainly with émotions and energies like a shadow lifting and light and peace coming in and around me, it’s really beautiful and also moving. I can feel the connection with Mother Earth and the Source getting stronger, that is so special. So thank you so much Émilie for leading and guiding me with your Heart and Love, you are so precious !! 🙏💜💜💜🙏

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It is possible to pay over several times. Contact me to learn more.