Program / Journey / Retreat
Activate and embody the Divine Feminine Creator principle to empower all levels of your being.
Integrate your highest potential for a harmonized leadership role in your life and the new Earth’s reality.
Balance and heal polarities within based on trauma frequencies and inspire others to follow your sacred transformation.
The Divine Feminine embodiment process implies activation and integration of the specific part of the creator energy imbued in our DNA structure, which also requires transforming what no longer serves you on your empowerment journey.
We will activate dormant DNA codes and integrate new frequencies, abilities, and possibilities to serve you further in your conscious multidimensional evolution.

Why embody the Divine Feminine?
We have forgotten how to be Divine and how to create as the Source, with the Source. The omnipresent consciousness that created and continues to co-create us.
We are made of the same particles as the stars, galaxies, and universes and we can use, mold, transform, and manipulate frequencies as the Divine does, (while following the laws of the Universe).
We must consciously re-activate, re-member, and anchor this knowing and skill in our consciousness.
Reclaiming the Divine Feminine is also about reclaiming the masculine, the Divine masculine within us. Not judging the Masculine.
If we have been hurt by the unbalanced masculine, and most of us have (men and women) we must ask ourselves: “Do I reject it, judge it, or forgive it?”
Sometimes these trauma memories are trans-generational, carried within our DNA. Unaware of these we repeat certain patterns in our relationships and wonder what we do wrong.
Without forgiving and releasing certain memory charges we can’t make space for the all-embracing compassionate Feminine energy.
It is time for you to start forgiving the past and remembering your true origin, the blueprint of your Divine Feminine Creation Principle.

Dormant DNA
We invite you to awaken and integrate the dormant parts of our Divine Feminine principles, forgotten in the duality-ruling within us to serve the greater purpose, greater expression of the Self and the ever-expanding Universe.
We can then feel better in our human suite and experience the love, abundance, joy, and peace we came here to taste!
The Divine Feminine, suppressed for such a long time can’t be anymore ignored and silenced.
Revolutionary people and movements in today’s world fight for the feminine aspect and rights.

Deep shift
The deep shift and integration of the harmonized feminine and masculine energies happen from within. We are beautiful creations of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, or Ying and Yang, negative and positive energies.
Awareness, recognition, and beneficial utilization of these opposite forces are what give us the satisfaction of creation, without struggle, exhaustion and unnecessary mental, emotional, or physical energy expenditure. Creation with peace and joy, inclusion and compassion, exploring the infinite potential of our human existence.
Every person, irrespective of sex or identification must at some point in their evolution embody the DivinenFeminine principle and by that harmonise the Divine Masculine one.
We all possess the codes, the memory, and the knowing of this harmonious Divine blueprint in perfect equilibrium. We all have the Divine Father and Divine Mother aspects within us.
These codes/memories/knowing have been purposefully deactivated.
And it is up to each of us to CONSCIOUSLY re-activate them. This was the agreement we have made with ourselves.
As a part of the game called “Divine Consciousness in a Human Body” Remembrance of Who We Are” or “Awakening to the Truth” … regardless of the name of this game we play, we are in it, and the moment we realize our Divine Feminine Creator potential, the game takes on a different turn!
What is the Divine Feminine?
The Divine Feminine concept can be best described as the innate connection with the Divine Mother or the womb of the Creation energy, the conduit for the Source love energy.
GESTATION of life, BIRTHING life, and NURTURING life are three of the most powerful components of the Divine Feminine energy.
The Divine Feminine is complemented by the Divine Masculine energy, where the feminine part is geometrically seen as a circular form, a dot, or a circle, spiraling. The masculine energy, geometrically seen as a line, creates angles.
We do need both energies yet throughout our later civilisations we have suppressed the cultivation of the feminine aspect.
We have even disrespected, ridiculed, and punished the Divine Feminine rising. Celebrating the masculine capacities resulting in great exhaustion and disharmony in the human being.
The Divine creation principle is encoded in our DNA, lying dormant. The full unfoldment of the capacity to create as the Divine must be consciously activated throughout our evolution into sovereign HEART-LOVE-BASED creators.
The Divine Feminine codes are activated by specific frequencies transmitted through activator elements ( DNA code activation, Earth location, MerKaBah /Light Body activation, specific meditation or ritual, trauma release, or time adjustment, portal activation with a specific intention, etc. )
However, the activation is only possible when the consciousness is ready and prepared to receive, remember, and integrate such frequencies.

Divine Feminine Dragon Lineage
The Dragons and their creator energies are eager to work with us, aiding and guiding us to anchor in our Light Body and infusing the light within this Earth’s plane and dimension. They are helping us to become aware of and utilize our multidimensional origin and regain the ability to quantum shift (quantum Jump).
Through our awareness of and work with the Dragons and their energies we can fully embody the Divine Feminine principles as the Dragons originate from the Divine Mother energy formation.
Elemental, interdimensional, galactic, these cosmic unconditionally loving light beings birth into life galaxies, planets, and life, through the dance of the feminine and masculine principles, their potent plasmic light breath organized through sacred geometry forms into their creations.
Gaia is deeply linked with the Sophia Dragon Lineage. The multicolored and shimmery, pearlescent Dragons are indefinable as they constantly redefine themselves, in search of new creations, new challenges, new joy and play in the cosmic realms.
The Dragons are essential in our Journeys as they will help with their key gifts to:
If you want to work more in-depth and independently with the Dragons, schedule a chat or have a look here at Dragon Initiation.
Divine Feminine Principles
We relate gracefully to ourselves and others with caring and kindness.
We emanate compassion when we or others are in distress, even when we are in disagreement with our ego or the ego of others.
We establish and maintain firm boundaries, in how we treat ourselves and how we let others treat us. Respect and authenticity in our communication, collaboration, and communion with others become unwritten rules not to be bent or broken.
We emanate love from our hearts and every cell of our being. Love to the Self (as we know we are love) and to all that surrounds us.
We command commitment and consistency when we follow our passion and mission. We hold others accountable for their commitment to our common goals.
We know intuitively the answers to the questions we ask. We do not seek advice from others as we are continuously connected with our Higher Self and the Divine providing us with any information we seek.
We value truth, in communication with ourselves and others and we see through lies non-truths, and false prophecies. We do not accept half-hearted promises.
Deciding autonomously based on innate knowing what path, people, and beliefs are best for you and all that is. If an idea, leadership, or action from others doesn’t resonate with you and your Higher Self, you don’t give that further attention.
We dare to follow your passion, and mission even when fear appears.
You express gratitude for the overflowing abundance and prosperity in your life in any shape and form it presents itself.
You follow fiercely your innate passion governed by your Higher Self and are on your mission to contribute to a New Earth’s wellbeing.
You have peace of mind in alignment with the peace streaming to you from your soul and the Divine Mother and Divine Father Union.
We operate on the inclusion principle, embracing diversity as a creative fuel for the collective.
Since we are mastering the receiving of the Divine gifts, the flow of love and life force, we allow ourselves to just be. In the soft, gentle, loving form of the womb of creation, we embrace ourselves and others with the energy of sweet surrender and lightness of being.
The Journeys and Workshops
The Divine Feminine journeys, retreats, and workshops are unique and also complementary. You can join them all at any moment with great benefit.

Divine Feminine & Dragon Journey
Remote Program |
Duration: 8weeks + guided integration |
Individual or Group |
Weekly, 2-2.5-hour Zoom calls, recorded, 8x channeled activations & meditations. |
Included: Quantum healing at the beginning of the program |
Certificate |
Unlimited guidance and support after the course and Divine Feminine Principles group membership. |

Magdalena-Isis-Hathor Journey
Quantum healing workshop with activations at the Magdalena Sanctuary and Grotte, Saint Baume de Maximin, France. |
Duration: One day journey + guided activation and integration |
Group or Individual |
Unlimited guidance and support after the course and Divine Feminine Principles group membership. |
Included: Quantum healing at the beginning of the program |
Certificate |

Divine Feminine Retreat – Sacred Sites
Retreats in sacred sites with the strongest Divine Feminine energy imprint. These places are at the vibrational frequency that activates the remembering of your harmonious original blueprint in perfect harmony with the Divine Feminine and Masculine principles. Each site has specific gifts and frequency, memory of greater sovereignty and personal power that we will activate and integrate. |
Duration: 5 to 10 days |
Group |
We take you on a journey to select sites where you will receive quantum healing and activation of specific DNA codes. |
Included: Quantum healing at the beginning of the program |
Certificate |
Unlimited guidance and support after the course and Divine Feminine Principles group membership. |

Are you called to Embodying the Divine Feminine?
To all its benefits and life-transforming effects?
Not sure which Journey to choose or do you have some questions to ask? Please send us a message or email or schedule a chat!
How to apply
Please send us an email or a message with a few words, describing your motivation and background in energy work I am looking forward to connecting with you!

Join us in Glastonbury for a Winter Solstice Alchemical Ritual
DECEMBER 21ST & 22ND, 2024
EARLY BIRD PRICE £144/177€ UNTIL 11/11/24
Join Ashley & Emilie for a two-day alchemical workshop in Glastonbury.
Turning inward to your sovereign nature allows you to pause, reflect, and release things that no longer serve you during the stillness that is ripe at Winter Solstice. In this sacred space, we will alchemize the past, transforming its lessons into the blossoming of our future.
Winter Solstice is an energetic full stop, a pause and time to reflect, fertilising the ground for the seeds we wish to plant in our lives in the coming year ahead.
Join us in Glastonbury for :
Embodied practices and activations to bring about the necessary healing for these times and empowerment for times to come.
Transmuting/clearing out what no longer serves us
Honouring the cycles of life and the cycles of light and dark that we all traverse
Gratefully forgiving and releasing the past into the void
Embracing the sovereign self fully.
Alchemising emotional Poison to Nectar
Celebrating the journey so far
Empowering our dreams for the future
Winter Solstice – A time to Rest & Digest & Rewire
Give yourself this gift during the season of giving, and join us.
Email me directly for further details
Or send me a message:
Divine Feminine Winter Solstice Alchemical Ritual – Early Bird till 11.11.2024 : 177€
Divine Feminine Winter Solstice Alchemical Ritual 222€