Why Quantum DNA healing modality?
8-week individual or group program
To acquire the newest transformational healing modality adapted to humanity’s new evolutionary needs. We have gained access through Quantum DNA to techniques and tools working more effectively and efficiently than modalities traditionally used in denser frequencies.
Transforming imbalances, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, and activating higher functions at the quantum level of DNA is facilitated to us by our Galactic Family of Light.
Would you like an autonomous and rapid healing process at all levels of your being?
Would you like to embody fully your multidimensional architect and creator capacities?
Do you aspire to become or already are a holistic therapist, practitioner, or teacher?

Our biological DNA carries genetic coding about how to BE a human.
About how to be a cosmic, multidimensional being.
How to alchemize energy, how to create by pure thought, heal instantaneously, travel inter-dimensionally, and communicate with other star beings.
How we are interconnected with the Creator Source and how to use that fact.
Our physical DNA has been limited by certain elements, so we do not remember our original blueprint. We perform the role of a human that is in the dense physical form and who has forgotten its galactic origins and role to play.
There has been a purpose to this forgetting, this amnesia whom who we are. So there must be no regrets! Only learning from experience.
We are being guided and urged by the source and its cosmic plan toward a swift remembrance of who we are and what we are capable of doing, being, experiencing, and creating. Then inspiring other beings on their path of conscious frequency ascension.
The Eart’s frequency rises rapidly and so is ours.
We can no longer stay in ignorance of who we are and deprive ourselves of all that we can do if we want to ascend to a higher dimensional reality of consciousness. Well aware that this reality exists already and awaits us to consciously allow it into our field. Individually and collectively.

We are expanding in the rhythm of the Universe’s pulsation and uncovering seemingly hidden knowledge, tools, and techniques helping us on this exciting journey!
When you activate and integrate the Quantum DNA healing modality, you learn how to transmute generational, karmic, and collective encodings and programs at the cellular DNA level.
You learn how to remove DNA implants hindering the activation of your higher abilities.
The Quantum DNA healing modality is the newest extremely efficient technique propelling you and /or the people you have sessions with towards:
Cellular and DNA purification
Removing nano-implants present in our DNA
Ancestral and karmic memory transmutation
De-programming non-beneficial codes
DNA upgrade to the newest frequencies
Original Blueprint Activation
Activation of dormant DNA
…and so much more…
Resulting in:
An increasing amount of synchronicities and positive changes
Self-regulating body immune to low vibrational viruses
Greater joy, and well-being
Enhanced intuition and extrasensory abilities
Experiencing the Lightness of Being
Being in the Now as a new order amidst chaos
Rapid Access to your Akash should you wish so
This magickal modality has no limits!
Your Original Blueprint
Alongside healing of various dysfunctions or unbalances you or your clients might have, the ascension of consciousness and frequency comes as a wonderful “side effect”.
Recalibrating and aligning your DNA frequencies and codings with the Universal/Source frequencies and to the ones of your original blueprint manifests as the return to health and rejuvenation at all levels of your being, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Who you were meant to be in your full grace as a human and as YOU, the unique individual carrying gifts no one else has in the whole Universe, will start unfolding almost as if without effort.
Shining your true colors to the world that needs you, as a sovereign powerful leader in the new era of humanity.

Individual or group
You can either undertake an individual program or a group one. Both options are tailored to your personal needs or the group’s collective energy. Both with the same theme yet never the same!
The group program takes place a couple of times yearly, while the individual one can begin according to our availability.
The individual program is intensive and highly personalized to your path and starseed potential.
I offer you unlimited guidance during and after the program as it is important to me and my guides to be there when any questions arise regarding your practice and teachings.
Quantum DNA Healing Modality
Practitioner Course
DURATION 8 weeks + guided integration |
FORM Individual or group |
Weekly, 2.5-hour Recorded Zoom call Channeled tools and meditations Unlimited support |
INCLUDED Discovery Interview Individual Quantum healing & Channeled guidance before the start Weekly monitoring of frequency levels Weekly homework integrating new skills |
Practitioner Certificate WHEN Get in touch with me for the dates and availibility! |
The 8-12 week ‘Individual’ and ‘Group’ programs include:
We will have a 1:1 Zoom call to learn about your background, your intentions, expectations, and focus. Where you are at and where you aspire to be. I will also measure your frequency levels and we’ll discuss what you can prepare before the start of the program.
You will receive a quantum healing session before the start of the program. In this session, energy blockages (ready to go or unrightfully attached to you) hindering your advanced work will be removed, such as parasites, implants, and other forms of possible disturbances.
We will schedule a channeling session regarding your further path on your dimensional ascension. Your starseed origin, your specific role, and your limitations will be addressed. Your focus for the Quantum DNA program. You might have some questions too.
Throughout the program, you will be raising your frequency levels as your consciousness grows and you shift between dimensions. It is important to keep an eye on your energy and body health, as burnout could happen if you ascend too fast.
Homework with practical skill training is an important part of the program. In between the calls you will have the possibility to practice new tools and integrate activations that you have received during the call.
Powerful Channeled Meditations and activations will be provided for your use to deepen your Quantum DNA modality integration.

Quantum DNA Healing Modality – Group
8-week program
Price Group: 888€
If the Group option doesn’t fit your needs or timing, contact me to check other options or inquire about the Individual program. The individual program is intensive and highly personalized to your path and starseed potential.
Quantum DNA Individual 8-week program
Price Individual: 2222€

Would you like to become a Quantum Therapy practitioner?
The Quantum DNA training course is part of a Quantum Therapy Practitioner course, containing 5 complementary modules.
If you aspire to become a practitioner of a Quantum Therapy modality that includes the newest transformational techniques, tools, and activations, you can give yourself and your clients the gift of an exciting unprecended journey toward the highest levels of frequency and consciousness within your multidimentionality.
Towards anchoring your light and high frequency on our beautiful planet with more harmony, joy, health at all levels…and a deep heart-based communication with all that is.
Sign up for the entire Quantum Therapy Practitioner Course, and get one module offered as a gift!