Energy Alchemist


8-week program

Take a quantum flight into energy mastery as the activated and consciously aware starseed, architect of your reality, navigating quantum field and energy frequency to:

Be who you truly are in harmony, love, abundance, and joy

Seize opportunities presenting themselves through Divine synchronicity

Enjoy your chosen realities on Earth ( and elsewhere)

Live out fully and consciously your star-seed purpose

Assume your New Earth co-creator role for individual and collective wellbeing

Lead and guide others towards their multidimensionality


Through an understanding of the self as a master creator, choosing to embrace their destiny, and knowing that their guidance system is always leading them through synchronised frequency on the path that is best for them at all levels.

Energy Alchemist knows how to manipulate energy to create in alignment with their higher self, their higher heart, and the source. They do not get lost in the 3D or 4D, they use our world as a playground for expansion and joy of creation.

They know how to enter their quantum field through the zero-point gateway as they become karma-free and true masters of their multidimensional realities.

At that point, they contribute powerfully to co-creating a New Earth.

In this 8-week program, you will learn and practice how to :

Weekly sessions

We will meet for 8 weeks in a row, 1x a week in 2.5-hour calls, live, and recorded, you can replay it as many times as you wish.

Each session brings freshly downloaded information about your multidimensional reality and energetic shifts of the moment in time. It will be introduced and practiced every in the session and through the weekly homework.

Private access to powerful meditations enhances the capacity to work with energy and alter your realities.

Practical tailored tools for your Sovereign Practice.

Dragon energy collaboration at each call, we will have them work with us to enhance what needs to be transmuted, cleared, healed, or manifested. 

And so much more…

Practicing energy alchemy includes:


The 8-week ‘Individual’ or ‘Group’ program includes:


Elodie about Energy Alchemist Group Programe

-November 2023

We will have a 1:1 Zoom call to learn about your background for advanced work with energy, your intentions, expectations, and focus. Where you are at and where you aspire to be. I will also measure your frequency levels and discuss what you can prepare before the start of the program.

You will receive a quantum healing session before the start of the program. In this session, energy blockages(ready to go or unrightfully attached to you) hindering your advanced energy work will be removed, such as parasites, implants, and other forms of possible disturbances.

We will schedule a channeling session regarding your further path on your dimensional ascension. Your starseed origin, your specific role, and your limitations will be addressed—your focus for the Energy Alchemist program. You might have some questions too…

Throughout the program, you will be raising your frequency levels as your consciousness grows and you shift between dimensions. It is important to keep an eye on your energy and body health, as burnout could happen if you ascend too fast.

Homework with practical skill training is an important part of the program. In between the calls you will have the possibility to practice new tools and integrate activations that you have received during the call.

Powerful Channeled Meditations for Energy Alchemist activations as well as for integrations will be provided for your use to deepen your Energy Alchemy work.


Spaces are limited to a small group of Energy Alchemists.

To apply, please send me a few words about you and your intention for the program.

We will then schedule a discovery call. Thank you!

Energy Alchemist Group

8-week program

Price Group: 888€

For different payment options do not hesitate to contact me.

If the Group option doesn’t fit your needs or timing, contact me to check other options or inquire about the Individual program. The individual program is intensive and highly personalized to your path and starseed potential.

Energy Alchemist Individual 8-week program

Price Individual: 2222€